It's Time to taste
the Local Delicacies
Naxos has always been known for its abundant goods. In the ancient times the island was famous for its olive oil, fruits and wine. Nowadays, the signature of Naxian origin is a guarantee of quality for many of its products that are exported in Greek and markets abroad. Before you leave this island you should taste the below:
As much as you can. Naxos offers a full variety of cheese types that you will find in all the restaurants and the shops with local products. Graviera (a type of hard yellow cheese), arseniko kefalotiri (a spicy, hard, sheep milk cheese that accompanies ideally wine or raki), xinomizithra (an immature, goat milk cheese with slightly sour taste) are some of these.
Citron liquor has exclusively been distilled on Naxos since 1896. It is produced from the leaves of the citron tree in three different types that vary in color and alcohol content. You can drink it neat or as the main ingredient in a cocktail, as it is recommended in most of the local bars.
From your very first meal on the island you will find out that the most of the fruits and vegetables here are more tasteful than anywhere else. Grapes, pomegranates, figs, potatoes, olives, olive oil, wines and raki are just some of the products that are produced on the island.
The women of the island, using recipes that are inherited from generation to generation, are able to turn into delicious spoon sweets almost every fruit that grows on Naxos. In the small community shops of all the villages you will find unprecedented tastes waiting for you in the most beautifully decorated vases. They are all savories but we mostly recommend grapes, citron, cherry and fig.